Some Deadpool And Lady Deadpool Cosplay Starring
The comic book character Deadpool first showed up in the Marvel universe as a villain in 1991, since then he has gone on to become a fan favorite as the Merc with the Mouth due to his free use of the English language.
There are some deadpool and lady deadpool cosplay starring:
The Story of Lady Deadpool
A deadly female version of Deadpool from Earth-3010 who is now part of the Deadpool Corps.
Lady Deadpool is a female version of Deadpool from the alternate reality Earth-3010, named Wanda Wilson. Out of a need to belong and feel wanted, she joins the side of a group of rebels fighting against loyalists in the United States (a situation started by factions within the government by fascists and from select states seceding).
Wanda Wilson was created by the creative team of writer Victor Gischler and artist Rob Liefeld.
Major Story Arcs:
Wanda is a relatively secluded person, not wanting to go out into the sun until her cable goes out. Once outside she is hired by Shamus Onus to protect the face of some "Rebel's Force." Wanda quickly falls in love with the failed actor turned Rebel Leader Charles Randolph, who happens to already have a girlfriend.
Wanda continues to try and impress Charles one way or another. Lucky for Charles she was there when a very angry man, who had been left by his wife and kids because they wanted to follow the rebellion, decided to assault Charles with his shoe. Wanda is there to intercept the shoe with her face. She lost several teeth in the process but considered it worth it. After she blows the man to "smithereens" Charles romantically lifts her from the floor, cementing in Wanda's mind the idea that they're meant to be together.
Determined to be with Charles, Wanda interrupts an intimate moment between Charles and "Ginger", the aforementioned girlfriend, which is then interrupted in turn by General America. Wanda begins to refuse to let that happen but Ginger assaults her with a Taser, rendering her incapacitated.
General America takes Charles to a secret compound and Onus succeeds in persuading Wanda to rescue him by offering her a ready meal of peach cobbler and shepherd's pie. Of course she takes the job, and ends up fighting General America for her love again.
General America is leading the loyalists and Wanda heads an assault against forces in Washington D.C. The two have met before - leading to Deadpool 's interference (with Headpool) and the amputation of the General's right arm. As the two meet again, he starts to get the better of her but Deadpool teleports in and helps Wanda take out General America. Deadpool informs Wanda of the plight at hand and because she is so easily sweet-talked into things, she quickly accepts and the two teleport out of that universe. Later, when Deadpool returned to his apartment with Headpool, Lady Deadpool is found playing Guitar Hero with Kidpool.
Lady Deadpool's Powers and Abilities
Regenerative Healing Factor: Lady Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows her to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Lady Deadpool is able to heal injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, and severe burns within moments. Her healing factor is developed to the point that she can regrow missing limbs and organs.
Superhuman Stamina: Lady Deadpool's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting her superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for several days before fatigue begins to impair her.
Superhuman Agility: Lady Deadpool's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Reflexes: Her reflexes are similarly enhanced, superior to those of even the finest human athlete.
Telepathic Immunity: The healing factor causes her brain cells to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering her immune to psychics such as Professor X and Emma Frost.
Foreign Chemical Resistance: Lady Deadpool's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for her to become intoxicated. She can, however, be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if she is exposed to a massive enough dosage.
Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Lady Deadpool's healing factor also extends to her Immune System, rendering her immune to the effects of all known diseases and infections.
Strength level
Lady Deadpool possesses great, though not unnatural, physical strength. However, she does have at least the strength of an Olympic level weightlifter. She is capable of lifting at least 420 lbs but no more than 800 lbs.
Annoying: Wanda's mental state has also proven to make her a very irritating person to be around. Many heroes often find themselves at wits' end around her; this makes for poor ability to cooperate with her in team efforts.
Lady Deadpool vs. General America
General America is leading the loyalists and Wanda is leading an assault against forces in Washington D.C. and meets up against Wanda's one-woman resistance. The two have met before - leading to Deadpool 's interference (with Headpool[[1]]) and the amputation of the General's right arm. As the two meet again, he starts to get the better of her but Deadpool teleports in and helps Wanda take out General America. Deadpool informs Wanda of the plight at hand and because she is so easily sweet-talked into things, she quickly accepts and the two teleport out of that universe. Later when Deadpool returned to his apartment with Headpool, Lady Deadpool is found playing guitar hero with Kidpool.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, is Lady Deadpools One-Shot "Women of Marvel" stand alone comic. You get to see Wanda Wilson on her own away from her alternative reality versions, Deadpool, Headpool, Kidpool, and Dog Pool.
Seeing Wanda all on her own we learn that she is a relatively secluded person, not wanting to go out into the sun until her Cable goes out. Once outside she is hired by Shamus Onus to protect the face of some "Rebel's Force." Wanda quickly falls in love with the failed actor turned Rebel Leader Charles Randolph, who happens to already have a girlfriend.
Wanda continues to try and impress Charles one way or another. Lucky for Charles she was there when a very angry man, who had been left by his wife and kids because they wanted to fallow the rebellion, decided to assault Charles with his shoe, Wanda is there to intercept the shoe with her face. Losing several teeth in the process but it was worth it to her. After she blows the man to "smithereens" Charles romantically lifts her from the floor, cementing in Wanda's Mind they're meant to be together.
Determined to be with Charles, Wanda interrupt's an intimate moment between Charles and "Ginger", which is then interrupted by Captain America. Wanda refuses to let that happen but Ginger tasered her rendering her incapacitated.
Captain America takes Charles to a secret compound and Wanda is tempted to take the job of rescuing him by Shamus and his flunky by Peach Cobler with Shepards Pie on the side. Of course she takes the job, and ends up fighting Captain America for her love again.
Lady Deadpool's History
Since you're only slightly less sexy than me,
you're obviously in charge of this Motley Crew
Lady Deadpool is a female counterpart of Deadpool from the alternate reality Earth-3010, named Wanda Wilson. Out of a need to belong and feel wanted, she joined the side of a group of rebels fighting against loyalists in the United States.
According to Wanda the fight started because: "Fascists in the federal government imposing their will on the people. A schism in Congress. Top-ranked generals taking sides. States declaring independence. Soon shots were fired in the street..."
you're obviously in charge of this Motley Crew
Lady Deadpool is a female counterpart of Deadpool from the alternate reality Earth-3010, named Wanda Wilson. Out of a need to belong and feel wanted, she joined the side of a group of rebels fighting against loyalists in the United States.
According to Wanda the fight started because: "Fascists in the federal government imposing their will on the people. A schism in Congress. Top-ranked generals taking sides. States declaring independence. Soon shots were fired in the street..."
The classic Deadpool costume
I think as the Deadpool fan, you must know this classic deadpool costume. When there were not so many deadpool costume styles, this costume have appeared, it is the oldest style of all what talked about deadpool costumes, actually there are not so many different styles, this character have not so many different costumes like superman or spider-man. The most difference among all the deadpool costumes are the eyes part. We know, as the difference of people’s emotion, the expression will also be different. So now we have three different eyes part of deadpool costumes, this classic one is the falcate style.
How to Make a Deadpool Costume

Deadpool is a Marvel comic-book character who is the result of the Weapon X project along with Wolverine. Ryan Reynolds plays Deadpool (real name Wade Wilson) in the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," but most fans know the character as the red-and-black-suited superhero from the comics. It's very simple to create a Deadpool costume yourself at home.
Things You'll Need:
Red, lycra leggings
Red, lycra, long-sleeved T-shirt with hood
Black military-style boots
1:Wrap the black masking tape around the left arm of the red T-shirt at the point where a short-sleeved T-shirt would end. Keep wrapping the tape around the arm in the direction of the shoulder and stop once you are 2 inches away from the neck.
2:Cut a 10-inch-long piece of tape and stick it on the left hand side of the red T-shirt below the armpit. Make sure the center of the strip lines up with the seam of the T-shirt, so half the strip wraps around the front and half wraps around the back. Cut another 10-inch strip of masking tape and stick it directly under the previous one. Repeat this until you reach the bottom of the T-shirt.
3:Cut a 10-inch strip of masking tape and stick it at the top of the red leggings on the left hand side. Make sure it is positioned so that it lines up with the black strip on the T-shirt when you wear the leggings with the T-shirt. Cut another 10-inch black strip and stick it below the previous one. Repeat this until you have reached the mid-thigh.
4:Repeat steps 1-3 on the right hand side of the T-shirt and leggings.
5:Paint a large black oval around each of your eyes using the black face paint. Paint the rest of your face red with the red face paint.
6:Put on the red T-shirt and pull the hood up so it covers all of your hair. Pull on the leggings, put the black belt around your waist and pull on your boots.
Deadpool Costumes Reference for Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Red and black suit: Classic Deadpool
Yellow and blue suit: Weapon X- Days of Future Now comics
Red, black, and white suit: Deadpool's Weapon X outfit in the comics
Black and gray suit: Uncanny X Force comics
Yellow and blue suit: Weapon X- Days of Future Now comics
Red, black, and white suit: Deadpool's Weapon X outfit in the comics
Black and gray suit: Uncanny X Force comics
Deadpool Alternate Costumes
Except the most famous red and black Deadpool costume, Deadpool has lots of alternate costumes more than we think, here I listed his costumes appeared in comic books and video games. If you find any other costumes, please be kind to let me know;
Deapool costumes from Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
1. Classic Deadpool Costume;
2. Yellow and black outfit with default mask, red wrists and ankles, "X-Men" and "Deadpool" logo in red on front and back respectively (Deadpool #17). This costume refers to an alternate universe where Deadpool was recruited as a "modified" human member of the X-Men and wore that costume.
3. Olive green and black outfit (Deathwish)
4. Yellow and blue X-Men Costume, blue X with red outline on right side of chest, yellow pouches (Weapon X: Days of Future Now)
5. Inverse black and red outfit, silver pouches (Weapon X)
6. Gray and black outfit, red X on belt with red eyes, military gray pouches (X-Force)
7. Cablepool (Parody of 90's comics) (DLC - Evil Twin Costume Pack)
Other costumes:
1. Ballerina Deadpool (Gold in Great White News HQ): Deadpool wearing a frilly skirt and tiny crown over his suit (swords replaced by magic wands);
2. French Maid Deadpool (Gold in Magneto's Prison): Deadpool wearing a french maid's had and brazier over uniform (sais replaced with feather dusters);
3. Pirate Hat (Deadpool's Carnivale, Infinite Mode only): Just Deadpool in the same Pirate Hat he wore in the actual level;
4. Chef Deadpool (Gold in Citadel Courtyard): Deadpool wearing chef's hat and no mask (swords replaced with spatulas, sais replaced with rubber chickens)
5. D-Pooly (Inside the Tower): Deadpool wearing a red and black track suit with a bandana and lots of bling
Deapool costumes from Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
1. Classic Deadpool Costume;
2. Yellow and black outfit with default mask, red wrists and ankles, "X-Men" and "Deadpool" logo in red on front and back respectively (Deadpool #17). This costume refers to an alternate universe where Deadpool was recruited as a "modified" human member of the X-Men and wore that costume.
3. Olive green and black outfit (Deathwish)
4. Yellow and blue X-Men Costume, blue X with red outline on right side of chest, yellow pouches (Weapon X: Days of Future Now)
5. Inverse black and red outfit, silver pouches (Weapon X)
6. Gray and black outfit, red X on belt with red eyes, military gray pouches (X-Force)
7. Cablepool (Parody of 90's comics) (DLC - Evil Twin Costume Pack)
Other costumes:
1. Ballerina Deadpool (Gold in Great White News HQ): Deadpool wearing a frilly skirt and tiny crown over his suit (swords replaced by magic wands);
2. French Maid Deadpool (Gold in Magneto's Prison): Deadpool wearing a french maid's had and brazier over uniform (sais replaced with feather dusters);
3. Pirate Hat (Deadpool's Carnivale, Infinite Mode only): Just Deadpool in the same Pirate Hat he wore in the actual level;
4. Chef Deadpool (Gold in Citadel Courtyard): Deadpool wearing chef's hat and no mask (swords replaced with spatulas, sais replaced with rubber chickens)
5. D-Pooly (Inside the Tower): Deadpool wearing a red and black track suit with a bandana and lots of bling
5 Reasons to Get a Deadpool Costume
Why we should get a Deadpool costume? Here are my answers:
1. First, we’ll state the obvious: Wear it at Halloween.
2. Drive a car while being dressed as Deadpool! Imagine the responses and stares…stares of jealousy that is.
3. Walk your dogs as Deadpool and make your whole neighborhood confused.
4. Go to a Comic Convention in full dress! There are always countless Woverines, be different!
5. With the new video game coming out, how cool would it be to play Deadpool while looking like Deadpool!
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